Political Process

It’s incredible to think that another general election cycle is here. I clearly remember the 2008 New Hampshire primary for both Republicans and Democrats. And now, here we go again. Who wants to be the POTUS anyway? Do any of the candidates truly believe that they can accomplish what they promise? Shouldn’t the message be more of: “If I am elected and I have a majority in Congress that agrees with me, and there have been no other issues or events that require my significant attention, I will attempt to do [blank]. . .”. I mean, c’mon, just look at the stalemate this country is in. I agree that something needs to be done, but this country is too large for any one person to achieve all that is necessary. It must start out at a more local level, gain momentum from there, just like the Occupy movement, but more mainstream. There must be some type of unity across social, racial and political boundaries.

For the past eight years I have lived in either New York or California. Although I don’t always agree with everything my colleagues or neighbors believe in, I have generally felt more or less in line with their values and principles. It’s not until I meet someone from a very different part of the country that I realize how divided we are. I’m moderately conservative for those that know me on the coasts, but I would probably be starkly liberal in other parts of the United States. Representing each of these constituents is what makes this democratic republic so great; it is also what makes achieving any one goal together so difficult.

I remember holding my oldest daughter while watching TV the night that President Obama was elected in November 2008. It was a hopeful and memorable sight. But here we are, with little changed for the country. Personally, I will be forever thankful that my family and I have been blessed during these past few years, but the change and hopes that many longed for have been unrealized. And the President’s time in office stands at just over 365 days and counting. I don’t like to get into political discussions too often, but I can only imagine what non-Americans think of when viewing what happens in the U.S. every four years on the political stage. What a waste of money that could have been put to work elsewhere. And once a new president is elected, I can only wish him luck in achieving the tasks that lie ahead.