35 Years

35. That is how old I am today. Where has the time gone? Is my life half over; is it only truly beginning? I remember a scene from a family video when my dad introduced himself and stated he was 35 years old. I was in the fourth grade then. After what feels like a few long days, I am now him. With three kids and one more on the way, I am literally in the same position as he was then, but who would’ve thought I would have four daughters.

The last 10 years of my life have been spent with my wonderful wife. She is a large part of why I, we, are where we are today. We have been by each other’s side for almost a third of our lives. And with hopefully more than half of our lives left, we have many years ahead together. Us and our four beautiful daughters to take care of each other for the next 35 years and forever.